Friday, November 23, 2007

the girls have been asking for some time now to have a fire in the fireplace. and then, they add, it's nice to have hot chocolate with marshmallows, too. (hint, hint). i do enjoy my fireplace.

Friday, November 16, 2007

today, for some reason that i have completely forgotten, i used the phrase "easy peasy lemon squeezy" while talking to kaely. she paused for just a second and then said "mom that was cheesy". thank you kaely.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

look mommy!

lillian and i had to run a few errands in between her school and the elementary school. while i was putting the cat food in the van, lillian hollers "look mommy! when i do this, i can see my nose!" the girls were discussing their bff's. elise said that she didn't have one. kaely said that alina was her bff but romana was her bf. and then she said and alexis is my f. that is some serious short-hand.

tomorrow is an awards ceremony at the elementary school...a/b honor roll and perfect attendance. yeah, i'll be there.

i've also decided that i will not ever ever ever go to the bank at night...

yikes! i asked the teller about it and she kinda shrugged and said she didn't know, but would the girls like a lollipop? i didn't realize that matthews was such a dangerous place!