Sunday, September 30, 2007

morrow mountain state park

the girls and i went to another park on saturday. what fun! the weather was beautiful. we planned our route according to proximity to a bathroom...we are such "outdoorsy" people. they are getting rather good at watching for the blazes to make sure that we are on the right path. it was announced every. single. time. we passed one. "orange triangle!" and how many times do i tell them to watch where they are going? dunno, but i should take my own advice, as i walked into a tree branch. i was more focused on my destination than my path and that silly branch poked me hard in the hard enough that i couldn't raise my arm. of all the times that you want to cuss, and i couldn't!
too many pictures, so i made an album.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

the other day, while driving along 51 and totally minding my own business (hmmm...and also chatting with jen on the phone), i heard a buzzing noise behind my head. i turned around and saw a big, nasty, wasp. "OMG! there's a wasp in the van!" jen hollers, "pull over and get out!" thankfully, there was a gas station close by and i zipped in, stopping in front of a pump. i had put my window down (why, i don't know...but it seemed like the thing to do) and i jumped out and flung the slidey door open. by now, jen and i are giggling...a lot. nothing happened. i looked around... and watched the wasp. he was kinda climbing about and washing and wiggling. i'm standing next to the window, reporting his actions to jen, talking with my free hand, and giggling. no wonder the truck that passed by honked. jen said, "you must look good today!" yes, well, if you are going to make a fool out of yourself at a gas station in mint hill, you better look good...heh. anyway, i look around again and a guy had just walked out of the store. while i was asking him if he could help me, he was asking me if there was something wrong with my van. i told him there was a wasp in the van and he wouldn't fly out. jen said, "tell him you are deathly allergic so he doesn't think you are a weirdo!" more giggling... the poor guy was trying to shoo the wasp out and finally got him to fly in between the slidey door and the outside of the van so i hollered "quick! shut the door!" whew! new hero! so in between the giggles i'm thanking him and he's saying no problem and then a car full of other guys pulls up, obviously looking for embarrassed! they are grinning at him talking to me and he starts to walk over and as he gets into the car, they all start laughing. oy vey! so the random stranger, thank you and i hope you guys had a good laugh :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

tonight was curriculum night at the elementary school.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

according to miss lilli, we have a many-van (try to hear her saying it with her little voice and slight southern accent)...because it is a van with many seats (and then she'll count the seats). she further explained that a big truck with "a lot a lot" of seats is a many-truck. same goes for cars.

i'm looking forward to sharing this story with her friends and dates.

Friday, September 14, 2007

just outside the pre-k door

is this lovely spider. i looked her up...she's not "charlotte" (she was a barn spider), but they are like cousins or something. she's a writing spider . i hope she stays...
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Monday, September 3, 2007


i hope anne sees this...

mommy! can i get my face painted?!

kaely opted for an attractive mermaid arm job.

after some "discussion" with lilli, elise chose a peacock. excellent choice, my little drama queen...

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lilli went with a butterfly...with glitter, of course.

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