so we looked for it. couldn't find it :( it's obviously saved on the computer, but i didn't have time to print a copy. meanwhile, lilli noticed this picture
and oohed and ahhed over the kitty. i told her it was a picture of papaw, and papaw is grandad's daddy...he's old. wait! old is an "o" word! i asked lilli if she wanted to bring the picture as show and tell and she did.
of course, she forgot who was in the picture and why she even brought the picture by the time show and tell rolled around, but when i picked her up, i explained it to her teachers and they found it all as amusing as i do.
so, i want to share this with my grandparents. i called mom to run it by her...i don't want my sense of humor to offend anyone (you knew i had to throw that in there, liz). mom thinks it will be fine, but i may have to water it down and leave out the "old" part.
i just posted a link to the photo album from the cave that dan and i visited. it was pretty cool :) i even let dan hold my actual camera and take his own actual photos...whoa. the whole trip was fantastic and i can't wait to visit again :)