dad came this weekend to repair my poor little fence. we've had some dogs wander into the yard and bother the girls and simon needs more room to roam. so now the backyard is completely fenced in :)

all by myself! that part ^ right there!
anyway, dad came to check on me and see how many nails i had. he said "how are your nails?" so i whipped off my glove and announced "they are a little dirty, but i haven't broken any yet." heh. he didn't realize that i was kidding and he looked really confused. i assured him that i had plenty of nails and he grabbed a handful and was headed back to his side of the yard when the funny hit him and he just stood there and laughed :)
so we closed in the one side of the yard and added a gate to the other.
here's dad's side of the fence.
i ended up jammed in the corner, trying to not step on the flowers and, at the same time, squat down to drive the nail into the lower part of the picket. i said "dad, i'm stuck!" and he said "well, i'll get the drill." what?! so he drilled the rest of the fence.

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