Sunday, June 22, 2008

That's a big boot!

Everything *is* bigger in Texas :)

right, so after church, we went to target and got stuffs for our expedition to the river. it occurred to me while we were headed there, that there would be nature in the river...that the river was, in fact, entirely made up of nature. liz asked if i still wanted to go and i said yes...i'm not a wimp.

gorgeous day for a 4 hour float down a nature-y river. there were some directions, but liz and i were like, whut? so we climbed in and floated off., are those little rapids up there?

were we supposed to go right or left? i went left and got stuck...i love nature!

it was really relaxing, except for the nature attacks. liz was floating a little ahead of me and jumped or squealed (i don't remember) cos she saw something. with cat like reflexes, i reacted!this picture is a nature was harmed in the float down the river.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, what a weekend of memories...thanks for coming to play! And I wish I could remember what made me jump and squeal!