Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Multimedia message

Nature in my van! Gah...the things I do to make my teachers happy :)

today julie and i went "grocery shopping" for her frogs. we stopped at the bait shop that has the juiciest crickets in town. i refused to stand near the open cricket corral. the lady behind the counter gave me a look and said "you don't like crickets?" and i said "no" and did the wiggly heebee jeebee dance (because i could not help myself). she gave me such a disgusted look. sorry...i can't help being a city girl! we also got some minnows (because the snails or pond scum or whatever is lonely). the cricket queen called them crappies. i resisted the urge to thank her for the "crappie" little fish.

i really don't like the scratching noise of crickets in a paper bag...aaahhhh. heebee jeebees

1 comment:

Jenn said...

So you need to get used to nature. Crickets can be your friends. When we had the lizards we fed them crickets. We kept said crickets in a basket that we use to go fishing. Here is something we can apply to our lives. Hang on...here goes...
The basket does not have a lid. It is wire mesh and has a lip and is about 1/2" wide. The crickets climb up the side and get to the lip and stop. They don't keep looking for an alternate route. So when I find myself climbing the side and hitting a "top", I try to find another way. Usually I just hit my head on something else. I think what I am going for is use nature to give you clues about your life. Or something. Oh, you could find meaning in this one too. When we had the lizards and would put the live crickets in their terarium some would escape. If they escaped and I found them still alive, I would put them out in the yard. They have earned their freedom. One night a cricket hopped right on Bryan - in the middle of the night while he was sleeping- scared the crappie right out of him. He sat up and grabbed it and threw it across the room not even knowing what it was. The next morning we found the broken little cricket body. SO I guess you can take a life lesson that when you escape you need to run fast and run far!!!

I also love the crappie fish comment.