Sunday, October 31, 2010

mother's log: stardate saturday, october 30...

we went to a corn maze today!  it was something that we had not done before.  i didn't tell the girls where we were going, i just told them to get in the car (this totally eliminated the usual leaving the house arguments).  so off we went to regal farm.
the maze looked like this:

we chose the harry potter themed hints, grabbed a flag (elise carried it, bless her heart), and went in.
the girls had fun following the maze and looking for the passport markers that helped give us directions.

shortly after this guy (who watches for trouble) there was a motion sensor talking mask in the corn and a guy who was crouched down and hollered "run into me!!".  three little girls were frozen and screaming as loud as only little girls can scream.  i was bent over double, laughing as only a mother can laugh at her children.  elise was jumpy the rest of the maze...

who needs a jack-o-lantern when you've got a lilli :)

woohoo!! we made it :)

that was fun mom!  can we do it again?!  nope...time for the corn cannon!!
elise took the first shot...well, and the last, actually...

 the cow train was as big a hit as the maze...a bit bumpy, though :)

smores on a stick and pumpkins and before we knew it, it was time to go.  thankful for the "find starbucks" app on the phone!  pumpkin spice lattes on the way home :)

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