Tuesday, December 7, 2021

super excited that i just brought home this lil' nugget from the central texas tortoise rescue. her name is squishy and she is 2. she's a little behind, size-wise, so we've got some growing to do. because of the metabolic bone disease (due to less than ideal care), she isn't likely to grow to full size. we love her anyway.

waldo is eager to make friends with squishy. he talks to her and watches her, even when she's sleeping (and that is not at all creepy because he's a cat). yesterday he kept rolling over and showing her his belly and then watching her to see what she would do (she didn't do anything).

the little wooden box that dad built for my very first turtle back in the olden days of the 1990s has been a great short-term house for squishy. dad would be so happy to know it still gets used. her new house is on it's way. then i can learn how to use the saw to build her a proper outdoor house...for when she's big enough.


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