April 30 I did it again...
This is the part of the blog where I inflict random old pictures upon all who view. You can thank Anne for the inspiration. Enjoy!
This is the part of the blog where I inflict random old pictures upon all who view. You can thank Anne for the inspiration. Enjoy!
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April 28
Ew! Ew! OMG! Ew!
There were two black trash bags (filled with leaves) sitting against the fence, patiently waiting for Trash Day (thank God and all that is holy that that magical day is today). This morning, Simon was very interested in the bags and, well, the general area (or Crime Scene). I had to get Kaely to school so I put him in the house and left it, figuring I would take care of it when I took the trash to the curb. Ok, so fast forward to me taking out the trash a little bit later and Simon still poking his nose between the bags and growling. I walk over to the bag, pick it up, see a dead fucking rat, scream and drop the bag, drag the dog into the house and slam the door. EW! OMG!
You know, I'm a City Girl...but I thought that Charlotte (being a large city and all) would be less nature-y. It was really cute that night that Simon treed the racoon that was twice his size. We celebrated! I thought How cute that nature came to visit my yard! It is so not cute when nature dies in your yard. So let's just say that it's a good thing that I don't eat...it would have been wasted today. I had to get a bag and a shovel and I couldn't find my gardening gloves (what I really wanted was one of those hazmat suits). There were bugs and it was limp...oh God (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh). But it's over and in the trash bin and I'm waiting for the man to come and take it away and I have scrubbed the outer most layer of skin off of my body. You know how you kinda get itchy when people talk about bugs? This is a bajillion times worse. I need a drink...
When I calm down, I am so calling Orkin!
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April 27
I smell Coffee!
So there we (and by "we", I mean me, Mr. Clean, and the Crab Lady) were, treadmilling away, when I began to smell fresh coffee. It was like suddenly being transported to hell...I was like a mouse in a maze, Walking and sniffing and saying "Where the f is the Starbucks?!" but not actually getting anywhere (or finding the coffee). There needs to be a strict No Coffee policy or they need to implement a Tread-Side Delivery service. That being said, I've realized that I have been cursing quite a bit lately...I mean like a sailor...and when was I ever in the Navy? heh
April 25 I bet you didn't know...
that vaccuuming can be fun when you are wearing a tiara!
that vaccuuming can be fun when you are wearing a tiara!
I learned today (the hard way) that it is not a good idea to try to pour the contents of a Crystal Light To Go packet into your water bottle while driving. I hit a bump going through the intersection and poof there was powder everywhere. Luckily enough also made into the bottle and I enjoyed a tasty beverage on the way home from the gym.
April 20
This and that...
- Pictures of Lillian's haircut (story to come).
- No, I do not know what possessed me to take multiple photos of my sickly rose bush.
- After recently discovering that I am, indeed, pretty pale, I then went on to discover that tanning is not included in my gym membership...so I need a Plan B...
- And finally, for the record, Lillian's two-ness levels remain off the chart (sigh).
April 17
I hate steam!
I burned my finger...just now...and dropped a pot of elbows in the sink. The cherry on the kind of day where Lillian's two-ness was positively oozing from every pore of her little body. Coming down from the sugar high that is also known as Easter is no fun... So I have to remind myself that they are cute and wonderful kids. Like the other day when, acting upon a wonderful suggestion from a friend, I held up my hand to count down from five (rather than counting up to three) and promptly received a high-5 from Lillian...as she walked away.
So I just found out that the theme for Jen's shower is Recipes...insert evil laugh here...
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