October 22
The Mountain
Our backyard slopes up...the girls call it a mountain (a regular reminder that I really need to get them to the mountains...real ones). So, last year when we moved in, my MIL and I were just anxious to get the bulbs and other plants that I had brought in the ground. We put 5 bulbs in the northern corner of the yard, at the top of the mountain. Spring came and nothing happened up there. I figured that, since I had seen evidence of the squirrels digging up the bulbs in the front yard, those poor little guys in the northern territory never stood a chance. Imagine our surprise today, when Mom and I climbed the mountain to plant the iris that she had brought, we found all 5 bulbs just hanging out. They were rather scraggly looking, due to the frequent invasions of Mr. Whitley (the awesome landscaper) and his mowing machine...but they were there! So we cleaned them up a bit and brought up the friends...iris and rose (boy I hope they know some St Olaf stories). We also threw in a clump or three of the day lillies and something that I don't remember...um...archeopterix...no I think that's a dinosaur. I don't think it's colonoscopy either...that's an entirely different type of digging... I'll have to ask Mom next time we talk...
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October 21
Kaely went back to school yesterday (yay). She probably could have gone back Thursday, but I decided to keep her home just to be sure...of course this was before I realized that there is no school Monday and Tuesday (bah!). Nice schedule, huh? Out 4 days, go to school 1, and then get a 4 day weekend...nice. So now we wait to see who's next!
In other news, I made bread this week and I find that immensely satisfying as a stress reliever.
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October 17
October 15 cluck cluck
this morning, as i walked by kaely, she said "mommy, i have all of these red spots on my tummy. they aren't bug bites, but they sure do itch." woot! despite the vaccination, we've been visited by the chicken pox fairy. what's the over/under on who will get it next?
this morning, as i walked by kaely, she said "mommy, i have all of these red spots on my tummy. they aren't bug bites, but they sure do itch." woot! despite the vaccination, we've been visited by the chicken pox fairy. what's the over/under on who will get it next?
so, we've, like, been busy and stuff...
September 16
Hooray! Lillian and I collaborated on a Dora picture :) Way fun...
There is something so relaxing about lying on your tummy and coloring to your heart's content...where your only stress is "What color should I use next?". Good times.
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September 11
Just in case...
you forgot or have been living in a cave, Jen is married! And here are more photos commemorating the occasion!
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September 10
Lillian loves pre-school!
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September 01
So I was attacked
by a vicious killer bee this morning. I was in line at Dunkin Donuts for some coffee and a bee flew in the open window and harrassed me. Of course I jumped and shooed him away...during which I also took my foot off the brake (whoops!). Don't worry, I stomped on the brake in time. I would have liked to have been outside looking in at that point...arms flailing about...van rolling. Aaaaah...good times, good times! So, I guess next time, I'll have some coffee before I leave the house...to go get coffee.
Today was Elise's second day of Kindergarten (her first day was Wednesday) and now she has officially begun school. To celebrate, I thought that I would refrain from crying as I dropped her off at her classroom door. That plan was quickly vetoed, however. Elise's plan was for me to simply unlock the van door, allowing her to get out of the van in the drop off line...just like Kaely. I must say, though, it was just about the sweetest thing ever watching the two of them walk into the building together.
Yesterday was Lillian's Open House for preschool. She had a blast and is way excited about school...especially the parts of school that involve a backpack and lunchbox. She will start on Tuesday. :)
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