February 28 Elise's Room
I know I have already posted pictures of the paint in her room, but I done some more wrok in there...some arts and craps, if you will. The only things that are left are painting the bookshelves (I'm thinkin' yellow) and purchashing a bedskirt (I'm thinkin' white, box pleats...nothing frilly because that is so nega-pixie). If you look closely, you can see that my next project will be to paint the hall!
February 25 Ta-Da!
Here are some more pictures of Kaely's adorable new haircut. I can't wait until she gets her Wigs for Kids t-shirt!
February 24 Kaely got a haircut :)
She has been asking me for awhile to get one. The other day we were talking about how long it was and I said it was almost long enough to donate. Kaely was interested, so I looked it up and found an organization (Wigs for Kids). Today we had it cut! While we were waiting for Kaely's turn, another customer (who was there having her son's hair cut) told me that they were going to her grandfather's funeral. Both of her grandparents had had cancer and she really appreciated what Kaely was doing. I thought that was so sweet. While Kaely was getting her hair cut, another hairdresser called the next waiting customer. She said in a cute little southern accent, "Earnest, are you ready?" And then Elise imitated her. Oh man... It was one of those mommy moments when you aren't sure whether it's ok to laugh or not. All three hair dressers were laughing...it was funny. She kept repeating it (because she got such a great reaction) and finally I asked her to talk about something else...like maybe Shrek. Without missing a beat, she said "Shrek, are you ready?" Yeah...she's a mess. Even after Earnest left, she kept on. I said, "You do realize that Earnest has left the building." and she looked around and shrugged. (Thank you Great Clips, I'll be here all week!) Anyway, back to Wigs for Kids...I am putting a hunk of gorgeous red hair in the mail to them to help some little person.
February 21 but I don't love this...
ew, ew, ew!
I love the treadmill!
So this morning I am at the gym, walking, rocking out to Our Lady Peace, and watching one of the, I dunno, 52 TV's. It's good! Where else can you watch Millionaire, Martha, Dr. Phil, and ER? I mean, really... So I look up and see a commercial for, of all things, Easter. Geez! I got time to plan for that...don't rush me Mr. Marketing person. But then thinking about Easter, I think of bunnies...and then carrots. Then it hits me: I need to go home and make carrot cake!! But then I was totally grossed out by the oyster omelet that good old Martha was cooking up with some guy...ew. The End!
February 19 Whoa! I am behind...
Last weekend, we ran off to Mom and Dad's for Saturday night through Sunday. It was a nice little trip and the girls loved it. They are only 4 hours away...and it's a pretty easy drive until you get into Gainesville (uh, scratch that...it's easy until you exit 85). I didn't get lost on the way in (which was good because it was v.dark and I was the only one awake), but on the way out...yikes! I'm pretty sure now that I missed a turn somewhere in the Georgia mountains, but I have no idea where. Anyway, we ended up 20 miles west of where we needed to be...which isn't too bad. The best part for me was that it snowed! Too bad I'm a goofy tropical blossom and random flakes falling from the sky and melting as soon as they touch the ground is snow to me. But the girls and I had fun and it "snowed" off and on all day. Don just kept looking at me and at one point I am pretty sure I saw him shaking his head at me (of course I had just busted out with "Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm driving in the snow!!!")...sigh. I also spent a good amount of time looking at the photo albums. It was great fun to laugh at Jen's 80's hair...and my big ol' glasses. Anne was still too little to look anything but cute in every picture. I looked at those pictures of me and thought, "What happened to that Karen?" She wasn't afraid to get up onstage and talk into a microphone or raise her hand in class or walk into a strange situation. I want to find that Karen again. Anyway, here are some pictures...
February 09 Stage One Complete
We have started painting the bedrooms. Elise is first! She chose Tinkerbell :) So far, I have painted the walls and bought the bedspread. I am waiting on the stencils and stamps and I am also thinking about a wallpaper border.
January 31 Outdoor World
At the mall, there is a Bass Pro Shops/Outdoor World. They have a small aquarium to showcase the local fishing. The girls love it! When we were there Saturday, it was feeding time.
January 28 Kaely is a Terrific Kid!
So, even though Kaely woke up with the tummy bug of the week, we went to her Terrific Kid ceremony. Kaely was so excited! The Chik-fil-A cow was there and they took pictures. Every child got a certificate and little goody bag. Both the principal and vice-principal spoke to the children and praised them for being, well, terrific. But after all that, Kaely was glad to get home and crawl into bed for the rest of the day.
January 23 Yay for Kaely!!!
Need I say more?
January 20 Lazy Day...
We like video games!
February 28 Elise's Room
I know I have already posted pictures of the paint in her room, but I done some more wrok in there...some arts and craps, if you will. The only things that are left are painting the bookshelves (I'm thinkin' yellow) and purchashing a bedskirt (I'm thinkin' white, box pleats...nothing frilly because that is so nega-pixie). If you look closely, you can see that my next project will be to paint the hall!
February 25 Ta-Da!
Here are some more pictures of Kaely's adorable new haircut. I can't wait until she gets her Wigs for Kids t-shirt!
February 28
Elise's Room
I know I have already posted pictures of the paint in her room, but I done some more wrok in there...some arts and craps, if you will. The only things that are left are painting the bookshelves (I'm thinkin' yellow) and purchashing a bedskirt (I'm thinkin' white, box pleats...nothing frilly because that is so nega-pixie). If you look closely, you can see that my next project will be to paint the hall!
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Here are some more pictures of Kaely's adorable new haircut. I can't wait until she gets her Wigs for Kids t-shirt!
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February 24
Kaely got a haircut :)
She has been asking me for awhile to get one. The other day we were talking about how long it was and I said it was almost long enough to donate. Kaely was interested, so I looked it up and found an organization (Wigs for Kids). Today we had it cut! While we were waiting for Kaely's turn, another customer (who was there having her son's hair cut) told me that they were going to her grandfather's funeral. Both of her grandparents had had cancer and she really appreciated what Kaely was doing. I thought that was so sweet. While Kaely was getting her hair cut, another hairdresser called the next waiting customer. She said in a cute little southern accent, "Earnest, are you ready?" And then Elise imitated her. Oh man... It was one of those mommy moments when you aren't sure whether it's ok to laugh or not. All three hair dressers were laughing...it was funny. She kept repeating it (because she got such a great reaction) and finally I asked her to talk about something else...like maybe Shrek. Without missing a beat, she said "Shrek, are you ready?" Yeah...she's a mess. Even after Earnest left, she kept on. I said, "You do realize that Earnest has left the building." and she looked around and shrugged. (Thank you Great Clips, I'll be here all week!) Anyway, back to Wigs for Kids...I am putting a hunk of gorgeous red hair in the mail to them to help some little person.
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February 21 but I don't love this...
ew, ew, ew!
ew, ew, ew!
I love the treadmill!
So this morning I am at the gym, walking, rocking out to Our Lady Peace, and watching one of the, I dunno, 52 TV's. It's good! Where else can you watch Millionaire, Martha, Dr. Phil, and ER? I mean, really... So I look up and see a commercial for, of all things, Easter. Geez! I got time to plan for that...don't rush me Mr. Marketing person. But then thinking about Easter, I think of bunnies...and then carrots. Then it hits me: I need to go home and make carrot cake!! But then I was totally grossed out by the oyster omelet that good old Martha was cooking up with some guy...ew.
The End!
February 19
Whoa! I am behind...
Last weekend, we ran off to Mom and Dad's for Saturday night through Sunday. It was a nice little trip and the girls loved it. They are only 4 hours away...and it's a pretty easy drive until you get into Gainesville (uh, scratch that...it's easy until you exit 85). I didn't get lost on the way in (which was good because it was v.dark and I was the only one awake), but on the way out...yikes! I'm pretty sure now that I missed a turn somewhere in the Georgia mountains, but I have no idea where. Anyway, we ended up 20 miles west of where we needed to be...which isn't too bad.
The best part for me was that it snowed! Too bad I'm a goofy tropical blossom and random flakes falling from the sky and melting as soon as they touch the ground is snow to me. But the girls and I had fun and it "snowed" off and on all day. Don just kept looking at me and at one point I am pretty sure I saw him shaking his head at me (of course I had just busted out with "Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm driving in the snow!!!")...sigh.
I also spent a good amount of time looking at the photo albums. It was great fun to laugh at Jen's 80's hair...and my big ol' glasses. Anne was still too little to look anything but cute in every picture. I looked at those pictures of me and thought, "What happened to that Karen?" She wasn't afraid to get up onstage and talk into a microphone or raise her hand in class or walk into a strange situation. I want to find that Karen again.
Anyway, here are some pictures...
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February 09
Stage One Complete
We have started painting the bedrooms. Elise is first! She chose Tinkerbell :) So far, I have painted the walls and bought the bedspread. I am waiting on the stencils and stamps and I am also thinking about a wallpaper border.
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January 31
Outdoor World
At the mall, there is a Bass Pro Shops/Outdoor World. They have a small aquarium to showcase the local fishing. The girls love it! When we were there Saturday, it was feeding time.
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January 28
Kaely is a Terrific Kid!
So, even though Kaely woke up with the tummy bug of the week, we went to her Terrific Kid ceremony. Kaely was so excited! The Chik-fil-A cow was there and they took pictures. Every child got a certificate and little goody bag. Both the principal and vice-principal spoke to the children and praised them for being, well, terrific. But after all that, Kaely was glad to get home and crawl into bed for the rest of the day.
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January 23
Yay for Kaely!!!
Need I say more?
We like video games!
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Tubby Time!
Last night I put Lillian in the tub and then went to put her dirty clothes in the laundry room. I peeked around the door to spy on her cuteness...and then I had to run for the camera.
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January 17
Thank you Jen!!!
So yesterday we tried out our membership pass to the Discovery Place. The girls and I all had a wonderful time. There is so much to do and it was nice knowing that we didn't have to try to see it all in one visit...we can return whenever.
Here's what I discovered at Discovery Place:
- Kaely, Elise, and Lillian would have spent the entire time in the "Kid's Place" or whatever they call it. Basically, it is a large room filled with educational toys for children 6 and under. It was also chock full of children 6 and under. The mommies used their "gear" to set up "camp" in various spots in the room, almost always in the flow of traffic. I tried reminding myself that as long as the girls are having fun I need to cool it and let them play...and I fell for it twice. And then I was ready to go.
- As far as picture taking is concerned, the "auto" setting on the digi cam does so not cut it. I couldn't keep up with the girls. The majority of the photos have at least one blob that I think is one of my children...some photos have blobs that I do not recognize (I think).
- Rat Basketball is the coolest thing ever! Here's the Video from the Discovery Place website. There is a little presentation before the "game" and Kaely participated! She raised her hand and answered 2 questions...I was so very proud of her!. Then they pass out mini pom poms... People can be so rude. The "rat-feree" threw pom poms into the group and people caught them and shared...except for the lady next to Kaely. She grabbed one and started to hand it to Kaely and Kaely reached for it, but then the lady snatched it away and gave it to some other kid. Bah! But, in the end, all three girls got a pom pom and they got to meet one of the players at the end of the game.
- Next month they will have a Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit! I can't wait!
January 13
Harris Teeter Rocks!!!
Grocery shopping and children is not a pleasant combination. There have been times that I have deliberately waited until 11 pm and then gone to the 24 hour place...alone...after everyone (kids and husband) was alseep.
Fast forward to now...I have just completed my online grocery shopping and I will pick up my order this afternoon. I realize that this may not be a "new" thing, but it is new to me and whoever started it deserves some kinda Nobel Peace prize for motherhood sanity or something.
January 11
Fed Ex came to my house today!
Hooray for Fed Ex and Pier 1 sales!
And I haven't even told you the best part...they used packing peanuts!!!!
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January 10
Church Chat
The other morning at church, during the opening announcements (that I usually tune out a bit), the pastor was talking about a service project that an adult Sunday School class had taken on. He asked the group leader what minitry would benefit. From where I was sitting, I could hear the response clearly. "Assorted ministries"...but up at the front of the church, the pastor paused and said "Sordid ministries?" And he was quickly corrected!
January 04
How you can tell when you need more sleep...
I took the girls shopping today. We went to Target and then hit the mall. We got to the mall, wandered through the Disney Store and then headed for Starbucks. Of course, before we could get there, we had to make the obligatory potty stop. We go in, take care of business, are laughed at by random strangers. Then, as I am drying my hands with the papertowel, I reailize that I don't have my wedding ring. I distinctly remember putting it on this morning. I tried to stay calm and work through it, but no, I remembered putting on. I dig frantically through my purse, cursing it's cavernous size at a time like this. No ring. I turn to the girls and annouce that we are going home. We fly out of the ladies room and to the van, all the while I am rubbing my ring finger, eyes darting, and muttering. Anyone who saw me at the mall this morning: No I am not a homeless junkie! I get the girls buckled up and take off...still muttering to myself. About halfway home, desperate to talk to someone, I call my sister. Bless her! Pre-panicker that she is, she remained very calm. (Sorry I interrupted your lunch!) After I got off the phone with her, I had calmed down enough to kinda (kinda) think clearly again. And I remembered that I had indeed put the ring on...and then taken it off because I wanted to put some lotion on my hands because they were dry. But I didn't put the lotion on right then because I had to go do the girls' hair. And by the time I was done with that, I had completely forgotten about the lotion and my ring. I grabbed my purse and we headed for the van...all excited about going shopping. Anyway, I pulled into the driveway, left the girls buckled, and ran into the house. There was my ring...sitting next to the lotion. I put it back in the drawer and took the girls to lunch.
The worst part of the whole thing is that I didn't even get my Starbucks!
January 01
Happy New Year!
When I wake up...I'll write more...
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